nic info


đã Post4 Tháng 11 2018 - 7:57 am
hello and good day,

I wonder if someone could tell me what I changed my nic FadedT to a month or 2 ago? I have been having mental lapses from being concussed and didn't actually write it down as I have with other nics. I don't need pw info or top secret stuff, just w/e a record might show, nothing came up when I did a search on FadedT as some people show history of name changes and obviously cant recall exactly what I put last time. I worked hard to build it back up and don't wanna lose the nic or have wasted all that time, thanks!
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đã Post4 Tháng 11 2018 - 8:21 am
please dis regard and never mind, found a friend online and looked in his friends list, 11 thx anyhow
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đã Post4 Tháng 11 2018 - 3:38 pm
Alright have fun ;flowers

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