XceL vs Eot_ War Challenge - 2018


đã Post17 Tháng 9 2018 - 2:28 am
top crap.
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Đã được sửa17 Tháng 9 2018 - 4:07 am bởi[Eot_]Trumplaris
'war challenge' only Europe.

I already told you guys if you want to challenge us make it a CS war and we include Europe in there.. bo9/bo11 and we got a deal.... but lets face it, you wont.

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đã Post17 Tháng 9 2018 - 2:41 am
'war challenge' only Europe.

I already told you guys if you want to challenge us make it a CS war and we include Europe in there.. bo9/bo11 and we got a deal.... but lets face it, you wont.
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Đã được sửa17 Tháng 9 2018 - 2:46 am bởi[Eot_]Trumplaris
underOATH_ wrote:
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đã Post17 Tháng 9 2018 - 8:07 am
What a joke
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đã Post17 Tháng 9 2018 - 12:08 pm
xcel would smash eot in europe without any effort
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đã Post17 Tháng 9 2018 - 2:21 pm
this is unfair coz if eot delete their clan javi will become homeless so xcel shud let javi join xcel
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đã Post18 Tháng 9 2018 - 4:06 pm
eot lost tiw man they are kings of fail
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đã Post18 Tháng 9 2018 - 10:43 pm
Well XceL officially declined this challenge they made themselves.
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đã Post19 Tháng 9 2018 - 1:28 am
That was pretty desperate on your part to save face for admitting our superiority in your own clans challenge :(
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đã Post19 Tháng 9 2018 - 2:31 am
You probably shouldn't talk down to the new school guys like that... javis already a better blood player than you.. we know who's better at all cbs already and he's probably better than you at Europe in a month or less.. real question is who let's Donnie into their clan and actually gives him any level of responsibility
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đã Post19 Tháng 9 2018 - 2:56 am
Donnie vs Faravafart Bo11?
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đã Post19 Tháng 9 2018 - 10:41 am
Donnie is a fantastic member of XceL.

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đã Post19 Tháng 9 2018 - 11:06 am
Vivo > Donnie
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đã Post19 Tháng 9 2018 - 11:35 am
Why jassim always say he agree to war and never do 24

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